Contact us

Get in touch

Call us, email or use the contact form to get in touch:

Office: 01782 551961
Riding School Manager : 07496 565521
Accounts: 07815 803775
Saddlery: 01782 551000
Events Co-ordinator: 07718846604

12 + 10 =

Opening Times

Equestrian Centre Opening Times

Monday: 10am-8pm
Tuesday: 10am-7.30pm
Wednesday: 10am-8pm
Thursday: 10am-7.30pm
Friday: 10am-7.30pm
Saturday: 9am-6pm

Shop Opening times

Monday: 10am-6pm
Tuesday: 10am-6pm
Wednesday: 10am-7pm
Thursday: 10am-6pm
Friday: 10am-6pm
Saturday: 9am-6pm
Sunday: 10am-4pm

How to find us


Lodge Farm Equestrian Centre
Mill Lane
Wetley Rocks
Stoke on Trent

Step by step

You can find us off Mill Lane in Wetley Rocks

  • Turn off the A520 onto Mill Lane
  • Pass the school on your right
  • In 400m take the right turn leading to Cecily Haughton School
  • We’re on the right 100m along and obvious (we hope!)

Lodge Farm Equestrian Centre

Wetley Rocks Stoke-on-Trent ST9 0BN